The Pitch

The BlogHer conference is this week, baby. For those who are unaware as to what that even means, it is a blogging conference for women (and men) wishing to blog professionally, meet other bloggers, hone their writing skills, and work towards being change makers in our society. I was talking to some friends online about the “blog pitch”, or how to explain your blog to interested parties.  I was puzzled.  I mean, I know that this thing is for networking, but I don’t know how to “pitch” my blog. How do I pitch something as varied and personal as this?  I am really not pitching this blog to companies for review.   Neil told me I need to think about how they market books and movies.  That got my juices flowing…….

So here is my pitch:


I hike onto the marketplace floor in my Keens, backpack on my back, Natasha on my shoulder.  As I walk in slow motion, things explode behind me, my hair blowing in the fake wind.  A ninja stands in the doorway and bows before running at me, full speed.  I fight off said ninja with cunning, matrix-like moves. I dodge a dead flying rodent before entering the conference room to meet with my sisters.  Together, we are an autonomous collective, working to fight the status quo,  stepping up and speaking out against the worlds’ problems.  I carefully wield my pen and I am deft with my camera as we plot the world Utopian society. Plan in place, we leave to celebrate and dance to the cadence of our spirit. I leave the conference via canoe, save some adventure campers from a bee attack on my way to an awaiting rocket.  I blast off to fulfill my dream of teaching geology from the moon, sending my photos of the heavens home to Earth, inspiring world peace and happiness.


So how is it, this pitch for my screenplay?  Oh, wait.  I was supposed to be pitching my BLOG.  DAMN.

This is my pitch, I guess.  Most efficient blogger ever.  No words needed, just a stroll across the BlogHer lobby.   I am going to OWN this pitch.

(No.  Seriously.  Help.)

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2 Responses to “The Pitch”

  1. Neil 2 August 2010 at 12:18 am #

    Now THAT’S a pitch!


  2. hchybinski 2 August 2010 at 7:26 am #


    hchybinski´s last blog ..lilith My ComLuv Profile


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