Archive for 'The Wise Guy'

Try Not to Breathe

The other day, after a particularly grueling day working in the garden and the yard, I climbed into the hammock to enjoy the beautiful weather.  The Wise Guy ran over, climbed aboard,  rested his head on my shoulder,  draped  his arm across my abdomen,  and his long, lanky legs curled next to mine (how did [...]

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Happy 4th Birthday, Wise Guy

Today, you turn 4.   I am amazed at your development and growth in the past year.  Within the last few months, you really have seem to come into your own.  You are writing many letters, including your own name unprompted. You are over-annunciating your l’s which is amazing to hear. You have developed reasoning skills. You [...]

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To Higher Ground

Yesterday, the Wise Guy was wiped.  We have been playing hard around these parts and he fell asleep right before the big Turkey Dinner we were making for our dear friend in the Navy.  So Sweetie curled up with him, hugged him, and whispered  about faeries into his ear so that “he would have good dreams, [...]

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The Little Moments

There are days where you are reminded to take each moment and imprint it on your mind.  Days when you are living in the moment, soaking in the laughter, the joy, the simplicity of it all.  Today was one of those days. I sat back, let go of all thoughts and worries.  We stayed in [...]

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To Wise Guy on his Third Birthday

This post is three days late.  But I know that you will forgive me as the past few days have been a whirlwind of celebration for you. Recently, you have begun to surprise me each and every day.  You are still fiercely independent, getting frustrated easily if you can’t do things by yourself.  You still [...]

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Boys are Tough

The wise guy.  Oh, god, the wise guy.  He is precious, but boy is he tough…. in more ways than one.  He is a boy of constant motion, of constant action.  He is loving beyond words….. and then he kicks you right in the boobs to lay you flat on your back.  I know that [...]

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