Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Wordless Wednesday: Melt my Heart

Meet my my brand new niece, my sister, and her beautiful family.  Seriously…. heart melting.   Share and Enjoy:

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What Matters to Me this Election

As we move towards election day, I am thinking more and more about the top issues I care about in this election.  This election is far too important, far too many issues that are critical. It can be downright infuriating and confusing, cutting through all the rhetoric and  extremist banter.  And I think that single [...]

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The exact number of photographs I am currently downloading of my camera. 365. Because I take alot of photographs. And I have been BUSY. Busy, taking photos, and not taking photos. Busy NOT downloading the photos off my camera. Busy writing, and writing, and writing, and writing, (but you wouldn’t know it by looking here.) [...]

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To Wise Guy

Dear Wise Guy: You started “school” this week too.  You were so brave to be away from mommy for the first time.  You went, laid right down on your mat, and curled up with your blanket.  There were a few tears, but you were fine.  We are struggling with your school schedule right now, but [...]

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To Sweetie

Dear Sweetie: You started Kindergarten this week.  As we walked to school, you had a little bounce in your step, a little excitement in your voice, a little smile across your face.  You were waiting for this day for the past month, the day that you startedyour journey to school. As we walked to school, [...]

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A nemesis and a puppet

My children come up with the strangest things.  As frustrating as they can be (and Wise Guy is about to push me to the edge with his CONSTANT JUMPING on people), they can also be extremely funny.  I wonder where they get this stuff sometimes, but I guess I really shouldn’t look any farther than [...]

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