Archive for 'Tips of the Trade'

The Pitch

The BlogHer conference is this week, baby. For those who are unaware as to what that even means, it is a blogging conference for women (and men) wishing to blog professionally, meet other bloggers, hone their writing skills, and work towards being change makers in our society. I was talking to some friends online about the [...]

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Empowering Our Daughters

My six year old daughter walked up to me the other day and said, “Mom, I was weak and now I am strong.  And in my mind, I can do anything.” I felt like the air was sucked out of my lungs.  I got down on her level and said, “Girl, with your smarts,heart, and [...]

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Reforming Education: Part 2 Teachers

Teachers.  They are one of the most important aspects of a child’s education (I say one of because I feel that parents have a role in this as well).  A good teacher has the potential to reach the disenfranchised, to challenge each student, to lead each child towards success by honing their talents.  A bad [...]

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Holiday Air Travel – with Kids!

We made it to NC without incident!  We are visiting Ben’s family in NC through the 23rd (my only fear at this point is that we will make it home for Christmas with all the storms in the Northeast).  We are all happy to be here.  The kids ADORE their Grammy and Goomba and are [...]

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O’ Christmas Tree

It is our family tradition to put up the Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving.  Last night, we rearranged all of the furniture in our living room and dining room to make space for the tree.  It is the first time that we will be having a tree in our VERY OWN HOME and it [...]

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What’s in a Name?

I am opening an etsy shop to sell some of my photgraphic prints.  I am taking one plunge, and am slowly gearing up to base jump for another.  However, there was much to decide. Do I print my own prints via printer, or do I have  a pro photo lab print them? Glossy, matte, pearl, [...]

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