Archive for 'Singing the Blues'

In Search of Life Preserver

It is that time of year again.  The time of year when my world feels like it is crashing upon me, when depression and anxiety takes it cold, bony hand wraps it around my throat and squeezes….. hard.  Honestly, it seems a bit harder this year.  There is too much to juggle, too many questions. [...]

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I have a love/hate relationship with October. If you can have such a thing for a month. I absolutely love the change of the season, the leaves revealing their hidden colors, the cool, crisp air, the harvest. I absolutely love the fact that the Wise Guy came into this world in October, his light and [...]

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The Reset Button

Life threw me for a loop this last week when, from a small crack in the skin of my dry knees (maybe I should spend some more time on myself), formed an abscess that turned into cellulitis of the entire leg.  The leg was twice its normal size and a fiery angry red. I drove [...]

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Running circles around me

We are sick.  Sweetie has had a hacking cough that keeps on coming back.  I have had a lump in my throat for about a week, and tonight I feel like I am knocking on death’s door.  It isn’t the cold that is getting me.  It is the exhaustion, the achiness (feeling much like my [...]

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Coming up for Air

Busy week.  Wise Guy VERY clingy and giving up naps.  Hair cut.  School.  Tae Kwon Do.  Deadlines.  Decided to go to Blissdom (with a little help from a Ms. Sugar Jones: my fairy godmother).  Sleepover.  Went to go see the Jimmies at World Cafe Live (more to come).  Potluck dinner.  Football party.  Unexpected snowfall. My [...]

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I am really struggling with tonight’s post.  It was a long day.  A long, long day.  Teacher conference… some concerns with Sweetie’s shyness.  Flu shots for both kids. HELL.  Wise Guy CANNOT be contained in a small room like that.  His spirit is too large to be contained.  Then, the aftermath of the flu shot.  [...]

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