Archive for 'A Life Poetic'

Getting back on the horse

Wow. What a crazy few months. There was Ben’s surgery, my freaking nightmare of dental problems (long, long story) that is still ongoing and lead me to lose 18 lbs in three weeks ( a good thing, but not the way I would have wanted to lose it…..), Christmas, and two birthdays, and a business [...]

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Going to the Joy

This week I have been walking a tightrope between grateful, finding joy in the whims of life, getting teary-eyed, being annoyed, and completely losing my composure (over the Glee version of Poker Face of all things….and To Sir with Love (in addition to other things)).  I am taking it all in stride. Trying to find [...]

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To New Beginnings

The night before the first day of  first grade, Sweetie lay in her bed, anxiety-ridden, crying so loud she could not hear me above her hyper-ventilating sobs.  Was she scared of the school?  No.  Was she scared of the teacher?  No.  Was she scared of learning?  Hell no.  She was scared about the new kids, [...]

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Happiness – Then and Now

So, when Cecily wrote me the other day asking me to write a post on the difference between what makes me happy now compared to when I was younger, I jumped at it.  What better way to fend off the predictable, depression and annual idenitity crisis of the “who am I, where have I been, where [...]

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My Permission

Renewed. Inspired. Driven to action. My attendance at the BlogHer conference this weekend gave me alot to process.  First of all, the connection, laughter and conversations I had with close friends I don’t see NEARLY enough was enough to make the conference for me.  But, add the Change Agents sessions, and the Closing Keynote Address: [...]

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Those Softly Vignetted Moments

There are many days, more than I care to admit, I spend clawing at the walls.  I claw the walls looking for answers, for hope to what ails us all. I claw the walls in disbelief, in anger, in worry. I claw the walls fighting, searching for something besides the groundhog day, the endless cycle [...]

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