Archive for 'The World According to Sweetie'

Almost Wordless Wed.: Imitating a Supervillan

Sweetie in her attempts at Harley Quinn’s makeup style. I think we have more than one problem. But how can this face possibly say “Supervillian”? Share and Enjoy:

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Raising Myself

We all or know of  those parents. Those parents that secretly(or not so secretly) wish karma would come and bite you in the ass and you would have to raise a kid “JUST LIKE YOU”.  My mom wished that on me, and, as it would turn out, her wish was some higher powers command.  My [...]

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To Higher Ground

Yesterday, the Wise Guy was wiped.  We have been playing hard around these parts and he fell asleep right before the big Turkey Dinner we were making for our dear friend in the Navy.  So Sweetie curled up with him, hugged him, and whispered  about faeries into his ear so that “he would have good dreams, [...]

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In a Blink of an Eye

Happy Birthday, Sweetie. In the blink of an eye, you turned six.  In the blink of an eye, you are able to discuss the nuances of problems and solutions in fiction.  You are able to read, to reason, to find the subtle humor of my dry jokes. In the blink of an eye…. In the [...]

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The Little Moments

There are days where you are reminded to take each moment and imprint it on your mind.  Days when you are living in the moment, soaking in the laughter, the joy, the simplicity of it all.  Today was one of those days. I sat back, let go of all thoughts and worries.  We stayed in [...]

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To Sweetie

Dear Sweetie: You started Kindergarten this week.  As we walked to school, you had a little bounce in your step, a little excitement in your voice, a little smile across your face.  You were waiting for this day for the past month, the day that you startedyour journey to school. As we walked to school, [...]

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