The Cadence of Community

Boom Boom Tata Tata Tata Tata Ta Ta


I closed my eyes. The cadence of the drums pierced through my skin, coursed through my blood. It became part of me. My pulse synchronized with the beat, rising and falling with the tempo.

Boom Boom Tata Tata Tata Tata Ta Ta

Boom Boom Tata Tata Tata Tata Ta Ta


I opened my eyes, taking in the courtyard. Amazed, a smile crept across my face. It all seemed so right. Here, in this space, there was no pretense. Men and women stood side by side, moving to the beat. Here, in this space, a woman dressed in all pink, wearing a fanny pack, danced alongside a breakdancer. Here, in this space, an older woman dressed in a gold frock, danced with no rhythm, soul moved by the energy, no shame, no fear. Here, in this space, an African dancing bohemian shared her talent while a silver-haired executive observed, head nodding to the music. Never would you have associated these people. They were as different as could be. But here, in this space, they were connected by the rhythm, the love of movement, the joy and energy that filled the space.


Boom Boom Tata Tata Tata Tata Ta Ta

As Caroline, Ilina and I stood shoulder to shoulder, we looked at each other simultaneously. The significance of this moment was not lost on us.  Each of us had a blog post brewing in our head. This weekend we gathered with other bloggers at the Type A Mom Conference. We gathered as different as could be: conservatives and liberals (even liberals that are more liberal than drag queens), mothers of infants, mothers of teens, Indian, African American, Hispanic, Caucasian, PR reps and artists. And although each of us dance to our own rhythm like the gold frocked woman, we are all connected by one single overriding force: the cadence of writing.

Here, in this space, all our differences fade away.

Here, in this space, the writing connects us.

Here, in this space, we are a community.

Here, in this space, we are sisters.

Women this weekend touched me and made me better.  Thank you so much to Ilina, Caroline, Holly, Joanne, Deb, Melanie, Mishelle, Sugar, Cecily and many more. I  love you all so much.

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25 Responses to “The Cadence of Community”

  1. Neil 28 September 2009 at 1:22 pm #

    Glad you had a great time…. and found a community.
    Neil´s last blog ..The Last Few Days My ComLuv Profile


    Deb on the Rocks Reply:

    Amazing words, it gave me chills. You are the real thing.


    Corina Reply:

    Thank you so much! I loved meeting and rocking out with you!


    Corina Reply:

    Thanks. I learned so much, and found a wonderful group of people there.


  2. Astacia 28 September 2009 at 1:55 pm #

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful words and photos. It’s going to take me weeks to digest all the wonderful things from Type-A Mom.
    Astacia´s last blog .. My ComLuv Profile


    Corina Reply:

    Thanks for your hard work!


  3. Jen 28 September 2009 at 6:43 pm #

    Beautiful imagery! I am so glad you got to have this moment where it drove home the flavor of the weekend for you! I am so so glad to have met you, and thank you infinitely for helping deliver my makeup bag post departure!!!!
    Jen´s last blog .."Prima Princessa Presents The Nutcracker" DVD Review My ComLuv Profile


    Corina Reply:

    Of course! What are friends for?


  4. ilinap 28 September 2009 at 7:01 pm #

    Tears, my friend. You are so right that the moment was not lost on us. The whole weekend was amazing. I am counting down to see you again.


    Corina Reply:

    In town the week after Christmas. I will keep in touch and we WILL get together for drinks.


  5. PunditMom 28 September 2009 at 7:06 pm #

    It was so great to meet you and spend time with you, though I felt like we were already friends!


    Corina Reply:

    It is a funny thing, isn’t it? We should get together in Baltimore!


  6. VDog 28 September 2009 at 7:17 pm #

    *round of applause*

    well said.


    Corina Reply:

    Thank you so much! It was nice having dinner with you!


  7. Renee 28 September 2009 at 8:21 pm #

    This is so beautiful. I loved your words and finally getting a chance to meet you in person.


    Corina Reply:

    Thank you! I am so glad I got to hug you talk to you. I wish we spent more time together!


  8. Al_Pal 28 September 2009 at 10:49 pm #

    Great post!!!
    The Sisterhood of the Blogging Ladies was truly fantastic. :D
    Al_Pal´s last blog ..My new creative outlet: Bread Puddings! My ComLuv Profile


  9. Mrs. Flinger 29 September 2009 at 11:58 am #

    I’m glad I got to meet you this weekend. This post is lovely. Such a beautiful way of thinking.


  10. Jeanette 29 September 2009 at 2:06 pm #

    How very cool! Sounds like it was an awesome experience
    Jeanette´s last blog .. My ComLuv Profile


  11. Secret Agent Mama 29 September 2009 at 3:20 pm #

    You were a dream to meet. So glad we got to love on one another.
    Secret Agent Mama´s last blog .. My ComLuv Profile


  12. ExtraordinaryMommy 29 September 2009 at 4:10 pm #

    So beautifully written – some people have a special talent with words – you are clearly one of them!! I love the imagine. I love this community. Thank you for taking but a few sentences and making it all real.
    ExtraordinaryMommy´s last blog .. My ComLuv Profile


  13. Jane 29 September 2009 at 4:14 pm #

    You make me wish I’d been there.
    Maybe there will be another event when I’m in the area. I hope so!
    Jane´s last blog ..And One Day You Just Wake Up My ComLuv Profile


  14. Sugar Jones 30 September 2009 at 11:10 pm #

    I’ve been thinking about this since I left Asheville. We are united by the magical stringing together of words and thoughts. Unlikely friends in any other world… here we are sisters.

    So thankful that our paths finally crossed. I enjoyed every moment with you!
    Sugar Jones´s last blog ..Bread Pudding and Peace My ComLuv Profile


  15. [...] camera as we plot the world Utopian society. Plan in place, we leave to celebrate and dance to the cadence of our spirit. I leave the conference via canoe, save some adventure campers from a bee attack on my way to an [...]

  16. [...] The Cadence of Community Down to Earth Mama @CorinaFiore [...]

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