As Long as I Get to be the Watery Tart

Happy 40th Anniversary to Monty Python!  In revisiting some of my favorite clips this week, I came across this one which I have ALWAYS loved.

I started to see some of the relationships between this clip and blogging. (maybe a stretch, but humor me here).

First of all, we don’t call each other by our names but some random handle. Might as well call me “old woman.” (I’m 33. I’m not exactly old.)

We are THE autonomous collective. But try telling the FTC that. They want to have a self-perpetuating autocracy by exploiting the workers.

There are those few bloggers out there that would like to bend us to their imperialist dogma. I can think of some who like to be all judgmental and show up on talk shows spouting such dogma.

We all see the violence inherent in the system. This community apparently NEEDS some sort of controversy. Personally, it just makes me feel like I’m being repressed.

We have our quarterly conferences where we need to ratify by simple majority what we choose to call ourselves this month. (writer, blogger, mommy-blogger, mom who writes, WATERY TART).

Me? Well, as long as I get to be the watery tart, I will be happy. I want to lob scimitars at other bloggers, declaring them emperors and empresses of all bloggers. What do you think? Damn, I think that this needs appointment needs to be ratified by 2/3 majority.

Who is our executive officer this week? I think I want to call a meeting.

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9 Responses to “As Long as I Get to be the Watery Tart”

  1. Neil 22 October 2009 at 8:33 pm #

    I’m just thinking that if Monty Python was doing some skits today, they could be having a lot of fun with people in “social media.”
    Neil´s last blog ..My Current To Do List, October 2009 My ComLuv Profile


    Corina Reply:

    Yes. I nominate you to write a skit.


  2. Renee 22 October 2009 at 10:21 pm #

    Love this.So true and very appropriate.
    Renee´s last blog ..Adventures in Potty Training Pt. 2 My ComLuv Profile


  3. Amanda @ High Impact Mom 22 October 2009 at 10:23 pm #

    You have my vote…but only if I get to do the same..I’ve got great aim and a real appreciation of Monty Python!
    Amanda @ High Impact Mom´s last blog ..Whrrl Story from my trip to Vegas My ComLuv Profile


    Corina Reply:

    Of course. We takes turns being the watery tart. But, it might get confusing. So can we call you a moist bint?


  4. The Mother 23 October 2009 at 8:30 am #

    All of my children cut their teeth on Monty Python. Yes, even the naughty bits. I’m a terrible mother.

    You can’t imagine the look of surprise on a grown up woman’s face when a five year old starts quoting “Life of Brian.”
    The Mother´s last blog .. My ComLuv Profile


    Corina Reply:

    It is something I would pay to see.


  5. madnessisay 23 October 2009 at 9:20 am #

    I need to go rent some of this good, old stuff!
    madnessisay´s last blog ..stop…don’t stop. My ComLuv Profile


  6. followthatdog 23 October 2009 at 6:53 pm #

    Love Monty Python and love this post. Watery Tart has long been a favorite of mine too.
    followthatdog´s last blog ..An open letter to my chickens My ComLuv Profile


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