Archive for 'Hitting the Books'

Ten Dollar Founding Father

The only thing I can say about this is that Lin-Manuel Miranda is a GENIUS. He is Tony Award winner for In the Heights, amazing writer, great artist. I hope to see so much more from him. Alexander Hamilton embodies hip-hop…..and the story is compelling….. Share and Enjoy:

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Amazing Savings!

So, recently, I started tryi9ng to get into the whole savings via coupons and deals thing.  I tried it before, but it seemed like the savings that some people got eluded me.  I just couldn’t seem to make it work. I just jumped in with two feet.  And look what I just did (although I [...]

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Women and their Wiles

So, about two weeks ago,  a statement from a session at SXSW was posted on twitter.  It went something like this: “Women:  you can use your feminine side to get the job, but you better back it up with brains.” My eyes started to bleed, I heard a loud whooshing sound, then all went dark. [...]

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Reforming our Schools: Part 1, Testing

Education.  Our ticket to success.  Our ticket to breaking new ground.  Our ticket to innovation, progress, and providing for our familes. Our right. So why is it so many are being failed by our system? As a former high school science teacher and a mother, I have alot to say on the subject.  Some of [...]

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Barack O’Mama is Pwesident

I sat, Sweetie by my side, Wise Guy on my lap.  We sat and watched the endless dignitaries, former presidents, senators, congressmen and women presented. Then the moment we had been waiting for arrived.  Barack Obama Before I could say anything, Wise Guy, at the wise age of 2 years and 4 months,  pointed, jumped [...]

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10/365 Moon Rocks

Last night.  Full moon at perigee. Wish I had captured it lower on the horizon so that it was bigger in the frame, but impressed with detail. A history lesson….. To those of you that have known me or have been reading me for awhile, it is no surprise/news that I am a little obsessed [...]

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