Standing in the Line… And Stronger for It

There has been much hub bub in the mom/mommy-blogging community about the snarky NY Times article  Honey, Don’t Bother Mommy. I’m Too Busy Building My Brand. And maybe rightly so.  The beginning of the article smacks of “look what these silly women are doing now. Oh, look!  They think that they can be PROFESSIONALS!” Nevermind, many of us were professionals before staying home, and many of us continue to be just that.

Who’s snarky now?

But, no.  This is as far as I will go to give this any more mind.


Because this is just another foot in the line of attempts to disarm women. And I would GLADLY stand in that line, hand in hand with those women who have come before me.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers who fought for the right to vote.

Our grandmothers and mothers who kept this country going during wartime.

Our grandmothers, our mothers, ourselves who fight to break through that glass ceiling.

Our peers, who make a real difference everyday, working to fight for schools and early childhood programsworking to fight  for familiesworking to build  amazing charities that help girls in Africa go to school, working to support each other through illness. Our peers, who do amazing things.

So, I sit back and ignore the naysayers.  There is no time to give it full attention.  We know who we are and what we do.  And so we trudge on.

We work.

We stand in that line. And we are stronger for it.

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9 Responses to “Standing in the Line… And Stronger for It”

  1. [...] me.  Other well-respected online women writers (I really prefer that term to “mommy bloggers”) are annoyed with your attempt to, again, portray women online as moms having a hobby rather than the [...]

  2. Deb on the Rocks 15 March 2010 at 11:38 am #

    Powerfully said! The solace is we KNOW how to tell our own story, and in the end that is what will triumph.


  3. [...] just me. Other well-respected online women writers (I really prefer that term to "mommy bloggers") are annoyed with your attempt to, again, portray women online as moms having a hobby rather than the [...]

  4. nic @mybottlesup 15 March 2010 at 2:31 pm #

    possibly more powerful than even you realize. nice work.
    nic @mybottlesup´s last blog .. My ComLuv Profile


  5. Sugar Jones 15 March 2010 at 3:50 pm #

    You said it!! I am more than happy to stand in line with all you “silly women” as we turn this world into a better place for our daughters. And even our sons will thank us for it.
    Sugar Jones´s last blog ..Blogging is the New Black My ComLuv Profile


  6. Grammy 15 March 2010 at 4:22 pm #



  7. Debbie, i obsess 15 March 2010 at 5:48 pm #

    Your resolution, to keep on keepin’ on, is what I’ve been thinking to myself since I read the article a few days ago; why should we take valuable time away from what we’re already doing to feed traffic and attention to a fading medium (and their obvious ploy to borrow our traffic/readers/headspace/efforts/etc)?

    Screw ‘em. Seriously. Let it die. I? could could not be less interested.


  8. ilinap 15 March 2010 at 6:59 pm #

    I’m proud to stand hand in hand with such smartly silly women as you.


  9. Rachel ~ Southern Fairytale 15 March 2010 at 10:06 pm #

    Quite simply, brilliant.


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