Archive for 'Ben’s den'

A Happy Halloween, It Was

Just a quick post with Ben’s pumpkin (more on the kids later).  Ben carved this after he drew it freehand.  His pumpkins always amaze. Share and Enjoy:

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This is Not a Test …

Ben again.  The latest news is this:  it IS MRSA, but it seems to be responding to the antibiotics.  The plan to keep her at the hospital until Monday.  I’ve managed to launder and disinfect everything in the house, but after visiting her a few times with the kids, the nurse tells us today that [...]

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A Momentary Setback

I’ve been commenting off and on on this site since its launch, and it is unfortunate that my first post as an author here is to deliver bad news.  My wife – the Down to Earth Mama herself – is currently in the hospital due to a bad infection in her leg.  If all goes [...]

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An interesting birthday gift

Today is my birthday.  Ben was telling me last night that a few days ago, he was discussing with Sweetie what they should get me for my birthday. Ben: What should we get mommy for her birthday? Sweetie: Do you think she would like a stuffed animal? Ben: No, mommy isn’t a kid anymore, so [...]

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Don’t throw the sand!!!!

But Sweetie did it anyway.  She threw the sand.  Then Wise Guy threw the sand.  And then a BEACH of sand ended up in Sweetie’s eyes. Honestly, it was a BEACH. It was serious.  She wouldn’t hold still for me to get it out of her eye.  And she insisted on rubbing them, grinding the [...]

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Will you be my Chimp?

Watching Zooboomafoo with Sweetie. Me:  Chimps are cute. Ben:  They may be cute, but they also look like hairy old men. Me:  If that makes you feel better about our future together….. Share and Enjoy:

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