
I am not the “typical” woman, if there really is such a thing.  I don’t understand the shoe obsession, don’t play the “I want something , but you are going to have to guess and I am mad at you until you figure it out” game, and I tend to tell it like it is.  I have never had a manicure (except for my wedding day), have no qualms about insects, and don’t shy away from heavy lifting.  I have sisters, close, so I know what it is to be one.  But I never really understood the bond between some women.  Most of my friends were men.

That is, until the past two years when I started reaching out to other mothers and started blogging.  I learned something.


It transcends DNA.  It transcends distance.  It is a connection of the soul, pure and simple.

You know you are a sister when:

You know each other so well you have forgotten you have never met face to face.   You know their heart, their grit, their insecurities, quirkiness, hopes and fears and they know yours.  You know their stones.

You think nothing of driving four hours to sit with a friend going through a crisis,  just to hold their hand, and wait.

When you know each others scars, both literal and figurative.


When an amazing woman that you have never met offers her airline miles  to get you to a conference because you are “needed”.

Your inbox is bursting with well wishes, concern, and cards after a scary hospital stay, saying that you were missed (at the conference you were supposed to be attending but were in the hospital instead),  and you were in fact needed. You know you are a sister when these women come and sit with you when you return home, acting as a caretaker for you and your children.

You have laughed together, cried together, sat at each others table and shared a meal. You have jumped into action in times of need.

Jen, Nikki, I

You write each other often, encouraging each other, arguing with each other, chiding each other.

You conquered a mountain together sharing a three man tent in 97 degree weather.


When your heart yearns to finally meet, finally make that face to face connection, and to knock down the barrier distance provides.


Women I have “met” through this medium have woven themselves into the fabric of my being.  They inspire me, make me laugh deep in my core, make me want to do better, be better.

I am honored to call these women my sisters.

This post is an entry for a scholarship from the Sister Project to the Type A Mom Conference in Asheville, NC.  The Sister Project is a movement of  women who blog, share their art, and share their passions, celebrating sisterhood.  It is a interesting concept that I hope you check out.
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14 Responses to “Sisterhood”

  1. Margaret Roach 28 July 2009 at 12:05 pm #

    “You know each other so well you have forgotten you have never met face to face.” Wow; exactly. Thank you for this beautiful post, and for sharing your take on the blogging sisterhood with all of us.


  2. FireMom 28 July 2009 at 12:44 pm #

    This was beautiful!

    (And I’m not the normal kind of woman either. I didn’t even have a manicure on my wedding day. I did have my nails painted but that’s really the only time that’s even been done. Fingernail polish feels weird!)
    FireMom´s last blog ..Don’t Take a Vacation from Fire Safety My ComLuv Profile


  3. Sharon McMillan 28 July 2009 at 12:48 pm #

    Thanks to @typeamom on Twitter (Kelby) for sharing this post. It is beautiful. I don’t have any blood sisters but I often forget that most of the time because of the sweet women in my life who do care. This is a beautiful post and I’m happy for you and your wonderful circle of sisters. Now I’m off to read your blog :)
    Sharon McMillan´s last blog ..When the Virtual Connection Goes Local My ComLuv Profile


  4. Jen L. 28 July 2009 at 1:48 pm #

    Beautiful post! (Found you through twitter, when @typeamom tweeted about your post.) Good luck in the contest!


  5. Karen @ If I Could Escape 28 July 2009 at 3:46 pm #

    That was beautiful.


  6. The Mother 28 July 2009 at 5:01 pm #

    Like you, most of my good friends have been men. I have a very few, very select female friends. We don’t get together often, but we always know that the others are there when we need them. No games, no manipulation, no tears.
    The Mother´s last blog .. My ComLuv Profile


  7. Frantic Holly 29 July 2009 at 1:34 pm #

    Absoultely beautiful job!


  8. ArtmamaJen 29 July 2009 at 5:21 pm #

    Awww, that brought tears to my eyes. You are the sister I never had, but wished for.


  9. Sugar Jones 30 July 2009 at 10:26 am #

    It would be so incredible to meet you. I hope and pray that you will be at the conference, but even if we don’t meet each other there, I know that you are my sistah!!
    Sugar Jones´s last blog ..BlogHer: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly My ComLuv Profile


  10. Nikki 30 July 2009 at 12:15 pm #

    Well, my take my breath away…I love you!!!


  11. Kellyology 3 August 2009 at 4:28 pm #

    Beautiful post and good luck! Off to read more of your blog…


  12. Maggie`s Mind 6 August 2009 at 9:04 pm #

    Really absolutely beautiful.
    Maggie`s Mind´s last blog .. My ComLuv Profile


  13. Down to Earth Mama » Leaping for Joy

    [...] Because my sisters buoyed me up.  Because they honored my sisterhood post and are sending me to Type A Mom Conference. Because I am in such AMAZING company and talent with [...]

  14. [...] to sisters I had yet to meet, Mishelle Lane, Lisa Douglas, Sara Harmon, Amber Haines, Malia Carden, Corina Fiore, and Deb Rox. I’m honored to blog with the sisterhood. [...]

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