Archive for 'Misadventures'

My Predicament and Grant Hill

My Predicament It started simply enough.  It was February.  I had dry skin.  There was a small crack in the skin of my knee. I moisturized my knees, and didn’t think anything else of it.  Who knew it could turn into something so nefarious? Over the next two days, the knee began to look infected. [...]

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A post about a girl finding her passion, preschool mothers, leeches,…. oh, and flying dead rodents

This time last spring, I was getting annoyed.  Very annoyed.  Sweetie wanted NOTHING to do with being outside (unless it was swimming at the community pool).  It was always too hot, too sunny, she would rather sit still and play dolls, blocks, etc.  I was going out of my mind.  After all, I LOVE being [...]

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The Reset Button

Life threw me for a loop this last week when, from a small crack in the skin of my dry knees (maybe I should spend some more time on myself), formed an abscess that turned into cellulitis of the entire leg.  The leg was twice its normal size and a fiery angry red. I drove [...]

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I put the Adventure in Adventure Camp: Part 1

Noon.  On the creek bank.  Fifteen 10-12 year olds.  Adventure Survial Camp.  Overnight canoe trip.  There I stood, on the bank, camp director, 1 Jr. Counselor, myself, and 15 preteens.  We all had our gear.  We were all gung ho, ready to take on the creek. Ready to canoe to the campsite.   I grabbed [...]

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This is my homework

I am a naturally pessimistic person.  Self deprecating and sardonic.  There are times that I can get pretty down on myself.  Tonight is one of those nights.  So my husband, in his pain in the ass caring way, decided to give me homework.  I am supposed to write 5 things that I am good at.  [...]

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My guffaw and snort moment

Remember the movie The Money Pit. Remember the part of the movie where Tom Hanks throws a log on the fire and the entire chimney falls down?  Yeah, well apparently that is my chimney. Truly. Apparently, the chimney guys can see wall boards. Apparently my 120 year old chimney is moments away from collapsing. Apparently, [...]

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