Weekly Winners: Renaissance Faire and Apple Picking Edition

My weekly winners are a day late, but I am excusing myself because I spent the day at the PA Renaissance Faire yesterday and did not work to get up my post. (Actually, I have not done weekly winners in some time and I really would like to get back into the habit!)  I also got some fantastic photos.  There is a mix of faire photos and regular weekly photos here.

Last Sunday, Ben and I took the kids apple picking.  It is a bit early in the season for us, although we do go twice a season.  It is always a fun thing to do, and we come home with TONS of apples.  Last fall, we came home with 30 lbs of apples from one picking.  I had intended on making a pie and some apple sauce with that many apples…. HOWEVER…. the apples were so good that they were gone in a week and two days.  Ben did take some to work, but I would hazard to say that Sweetie, Wise Guy, Ben and myself ate about 20 lbs of apples in that time.  If you ever have a chance to go, Solebery Orchards in Bucks County, PA has many varieties of apples, blueberries, blackberries, peaches, cut your own flowers, and cherry tomatoes. Here are just a few photographs from our apple picking. (You can click on the photograph to see larger).

Wise Guy when asked how he feels about apples

Flower and moth from the picking garden

Spider web on apple tree

As for the Renaisannce Faire, I was so excited I could not sleep the night before.  I was so excited to think how the kids would react to the experience:  the sword fighting, the queen, the language.  We had a beautiful weekend for it.  The kids had a great time, although the loved doing things more than the shows themselves, which shouldn’t surprise me too much, I suppose.  I love the Faire.  There is something magical and fun about the entire experience.  I actually found myself more than touched at some of the messages that came out of the faire (maybe slightly to be blamed on PMS).  For all the misogyny we have (maybe) overcome in the last 400 years, there was also a code of chivalry and of honor that I find lacking today.  It quite touching. Sadly, I did miss a great photo of the Wise Guy acting with chivalry and gently kissing the Queen’s hand.   It was beyond precious, but it is seared into my memory forever.

My favorite shot of the day:  Sir Thomas at the Joust

Wise Guy pretends to be Mario…. as Batman

Sheriff of Mt. Hope is beaten in Chess



Love the determined look on Sweetie’s face.

This was the Wise Guy’s favorite part of the day.

Blown Glass

For more Weekly Winners, see Lotus’s blog.  There are some EXTREMELY talented photographers listed there.

*all photographs are copyright Corina Fiore Photography.  Please do not use them without permission.

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6 Responses to “Weekly Winners: Renaissance Faire and Apple Picking Edition”

  1. jen 6 September 2010 at 5:38 pm #

    love the bokeh.


  2. Rachael 7 September 2010 at 1:34 pm #

    The Sherrif of Mt. Hope one is such a great shot! The guys face is right in the moment, how cool.


  3. Lotus / Sarcastic Mom 7 September 2010 at 8:58 pm #

    You have a spiderweb, too! I LOVE it. :-D


  4. San Diego Momma 8 September 2010 at 11:21 pm #

    The spider web photo is my favorite. Oh! And the Sheriff of Mt. Hope!

    Aw hell. All the photos are fab.

    Also…I’ve always wanted to go to a Renaissance Faire. Always. The kids would love it.
    San Diego Momma´s last blog ..My ComLuv Profile


  5. SilentBen 9 September 2010 at 9:07 am #

    Some great shots! It was ashame you weren’t around when Wise Guy and his cousin were sparring with their wooden swords – some great potential shots there.
    SilentBen´s last blog ..Dawn of a New DayMy ComLuv Profile


  6. wayne 10 September 2010 at 5:17 am #

    great photos. Traditions like apple picking are what I have carried forth my childhood. Yesterday a friend stopped by with some locally picked apples.
    wayne´s last blog ..Crafting on Thursdays- doodling with glass doneMy ComLuv Profile


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