My Permission

Renewed. Inspired. Driven to action.

My attendance at the BlogHer conference this weekend gave me alot to process.  First of all, the connection, laughter and conversations I had with close friends I don’t see NEARLY enough was enough to make the conference for me.  But, add the Change Agents sessions, and the Closing Keynote Address: How to use your Voice, Your Platform, Your Power, and I was transformed, reinvigorated.  The closing keynote featured Allison Stewart, Marie Wilson, Gloria Fedlt, and P. Simran Sethi; a powerhouse of women whose very existence inspires action, thoughts, words, and reminds me of my own power as a woman, mother, writer, and leader. I left the session ebullient, a fire in my belly.

Later that evening (much later), my friend Deb (who happens to be a writing rock star and inspiration) stopped us in the lobby to say goodnight. She turned to leave, thought better of it apparently, turned back, touched my arm and said,

“Corina, this is your year.  I feel it.  And I am never wrong about these things.”

Then she quickly turned to leave once again, leaving me standing there, breathless.

I have to say, I am not a person who flusters easily.  I am not a person who is often rendered speechless (even if I am quiet, taking in the conversation whole-heartily, I have words and thoughts bubbling in here, believe me).  Deb, well,  she knocked me right on my ass.  I felt the need to gasp for air.  Why?  Why did it affect me so?  Because suddenly, someone who is in this world, someone whom I admire, someone from whose writing I learn everyday, gave me permission.  Suddenly, just as I gave my student permission to succeed years ago, I had permission to succeed, to go forth, to take my voice and let it sing.  I never until that moment realized I even needed that.  As an independent, strong woman, I never thought I needed that push, the permission, the invitation to move forward and rock this gig.  Apparently, I did. I just want to thank Deb and the keynote speakers for giving me just that.

I went home.  After processing a bit more, Ben and I got to talking.  I told him about the inspirational keynote.  I told him about Deb and what she had said in passing.  I told him it was over-whelming, all the thoughts and ideas it ignited in me.  I told Ben I was not even sure where to start with it all.

He turned to me, the zen-like Buddha that he can be, and said, “It sounds like you received  many calls to action this weekend.  I guess the only thing left for you to do is to let go of your attachment to fear, answer the call, and show them what you are made of. ”

I hate it when he is right.

Except in this case, I secretly love it.


(I also want to thank the BlogHer organizers with a special thanks to Erin for working so hard on the closing keynote.  I know it meant the world to her.  And to my dear friends and soul sisters Ilina and Caroline….. thanks for spending yet another unforgettable weekend with me!)

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9 Responses to “My Permission”

  1. miss tejota 10 August 2010 at 1:11 pm #

    Wow, that was very powerful. Deb was correct and Ben was correct. I look forward to seeing many more wonderful things coming from you, from this point forward.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.
    miss tejota´s last blog ..Hugs and kisses at BlogHer 10My ComLuv Profile


    Deb Reply:

    I can’t even explain what a strong hit of your power I got, and you saw it right, I impulsively turned and blurted what was so obvious to me, in front of everyone. I’m rooting hard that you get all of the permissions/support/encouragement and time you need! So glad to have spent a little slice of time with you last week.


  2. morningsidemom 10 August 2010 at 2:58 pm #

    YES! Go! This will be your year. You have too much to offer for it not to be. Agreed about your quiet but so many words and thoughts within. I have seen you watch and listen and listen and process and then calmly ask for the mic at a conference and BLOW everyone away with what you say. We need you. We have your back. I can’t wait to see what happens. *cheering for more Corina brilliance*. Much love my friend.
    morningsidemom´s last blog ..My ComLuv Profile


  3. marty 10 August 2010 at 8:38 pm #

    I’m excited to see what you will do next.
    marty´s last blog ..My ComLuv Profile


  4. erin 11 August 2010 at 8:14 am #

    I can’t take credit for the amazing closing keynote, as Elisa Camahort Page programs the con with grace. However I cherish the work I do do for BlogHer because of moments like this. I left my first BlogHer con in 2005 with that same feeling- inspired. And ready to take on the world. This is your year! Go forth and kick some ass!


  5. grandmom Lor 11 August 2010 at 8:53 am #

    Go for it! The inspiration and the power to change things has been put in your hands. Enjoy the ride.


  6. Denise 11 August 2010 at 11:00 am #

    This post gave me chills! Literally.
    Denise´s last blog ..Jenny on the Spot blogher10 karaokeMy ComLuv Profile


  7. theewens 11 August 2010 at 7:32 pm #

    Funny that you wrote about this because Deb’s words have been playing on repeat in my head, where normally things are on shuffle. *YOU* my friend, are an inspiration. I shall say I knew you when…

    Also, tell Ben I’m calling him next time I need a cheerleader.


  8. wayne 13 August 2010 at 7:21 pm #

    enjoy the adventure. May it be filled with hope, peace, love, and exuberant folk to cheer you on
    wayne´s last blog ..Fridays in PA- PASA- Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable AgricultureMy ComLuv Profile


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