Shoes……..a good of a topic as any to start my blog

So, in thinking of a way to start of this blog, I could come up with nothing but shoes. Such a self-introspective topic don’t you think? As my brother said about my new effort, “Experience the pleasure of thoughtful and personal memoirs”. And I came up with shoes……

So let me clarify. I do not, in any way, have the cliche shoe fetish that most people think of when women start talking about shoes. I don’t wear heals…..except on very very special occasions. In eighth grade, I got sent home from cheerleading practice (some who know me are now snickering) for wearing hiking boots. Get the picture? Most would call me a tad “granola”.

But I guess, when thinking of the whole “Down-to-Earth” Mama thing, and a good way to illustrate it, I thought of my shoes….. my Keens. Now before you write this whole post off as a giant advertisement for Keens, know that it really isn’t. I am simply obsessed with them, the way that some women would be obsessed with Michael Kors, (does he even design shoes….. shows you how out of the loop I am) I am obsessed with my sandals. So much so, that I just brought my four year old and my one year old Keens as well. I would normally NEVER think of spending that much money ($45) on a kids shoe, but why the heck not? These sandals (Newport H2) have toe protection, are able to be worn as a water shoe, can be used as a hiking shoe, and my kids can run in them. They cover 4 different uses, and they are as cute as hell. Also, the company is very socially responsible (a great bonus as far as I am concerned).

So here we are, mom, daughter, and son, all equipped with Keen sandals for the summer. Bring it on…… the hiking, water play, fun in the sand, and the crazy mad running. To me, being able to wear my Keens means adventure and fun in the making! I am ready, summer!

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4 Responses to “Shoes……..a good of a topic as any to start my blog”

  1. List Mama 19 May 2008 at 8:42 pm #

    Ooohh, I get to be first?! I just saw your post at Blogher and thought I would check you out. I love your header! It is beautiful. I look forward to reading more posts.



  2. SilentBen 19 May 2008 at 11:29 pm #

    You mentioned the Keens, hun, but you left out some critical info – the colors. Despite our best efforts to encourage the Robert Frost approach to life, our daughter chose pink (as she does for almost everything including the paint color for her bedroom in our recently purchased house). Our son didn’t really pick the color, but his are a great shade of green and he rarely lets them leave his feet (he would spend every waking hour outside if we let him). My wife – the Down-to-Earth Mama herself – opted for a brick red color.

    I have yet to be swayed into the Keen fad, but it is certainly tempting. Seeing as I can show up to work in nearly anything (often a t-shirt and jeans or shorts if the weather permits), I’m considering the sandal angle. But it would go against my one-pair-of-shoes-at-a-time rule, so I’m ambivalent. If I broke down, I’d lean towards a dark green pair.

    I’d also like to point out that while my wife is currently enjoying shoe-style dominance in our household, I was first to achieve footwear emulation years ago when our daughter had a pink pair of Merrells (just sayin’).


  3. Caroline 20 May 2008 at 8:25 am #

    Congrats on the new blog! I love the layout! I am with you – practical shoes are key. But I am embarressed to say that… I don’t know what keens are! LOL! Off to go google them. But I live in FL., land of the flip flop so I don’t often branch out and I bet my arches are cursing me for it. Anyway, hello! And nice start!


  4. [...] hike onto the marketplace floor in my Keens, backpack on my back, Natasha on my shoulder.  As I walk in slow motion, things explode behind me, [...]

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