C’mon Ladies… Strap One On

Now that I got your attention (I know where your minds are), let me clarify. I really want you to strap on a backpack and a pair of boots. Backpacking this weekend was wonderful (even if I am completely pissed off at my bum knee and my lack of endurance). My friend Jen, her friend Tara, and I backpacked a section of the Appalachian Trail in the Delaware Water Gap and camped along the trail.

Taking a rest along the stream The beauty was amazing. But in talking to Neil, the ranger along the trail (an idealistic, energetic, kind, sincere, and wonderful young man……alright I might have a small crush on Neil… but only in so much in that it reminded me what it was like to be that way before I became jaded….at the age of 12), I was actually surprised to find out that we were the first all women’s group to come through this year. He thought it was great that we would come out and experience the trail in which he obviously had a love affair. Alright, I wasn’t too surprised, but I was disappointed that this was the case. Ladies, why the aversion to doing something immerses you in natural beauty, brings you closer to your girlfriends, and gives you a sense of adventure and accomplishment?

Is it hard? Of course. But so are alot of other things in life….. stuff that we would never give up no matter how hard.

Is it dirty? Yes. And smelly at times (especially in 95 degree weather and SOMEONE…. you know who you are…. forgot to bring deodorant). But who cares? Isn’t that the point. There is always a stream or a shower waiting for you somewhere, when you return.

Are there bugs? Are there dangerous wild animals? Yes, and potentially yes. There is also bug spray, and ways to keep the dangerous wild animals at a distance. Besides, where is your sense of adventure?

So, what are are the high points to go backpacking with your girlfriends you ask?

You are surrounded by amazing beauty, and (if hikers have been kind to the trail) unspoiled land.

You get away from the husbands/ boyfriends, and children and experience something for yourself. You come back refreshed (even if your legs are wobbly), and will approach things in a calmer manner.

You get away from noise. There is no sound of cars, no hum of a computer, dishwasher, or refrigerator. There is no yelling and screaming (at least you hope you don’t hear screaming … just kidding), no attempts to play musical instruments, no slamming doors. There is just the sound of birds, the wind in the trees, and crickets.

You come back with new stories. YOUR stories, not your kids stories retold by you.

You get to know your girlfriends better, and support each other. Just remember, what gets discussed on the trail, stays on the trail….

You lose weight. I lost 4 pounds this weekend and did not gain it back.

You get away for FREE. If you have, or can borrow gear (someone you know has some most likely), it only costs the cost of the gas to get there (and you probably don’t have to go as far as you think) and the food you carry in with you.

So, c’mon ladies, strap one on (your backpack and boots). I promise you, even if you are most adverse to the idea, you won’t regret it.

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6 Responses to “C’mon Ladies… Strap One On”

  1. J 12 June 2008 at 12:33 pm #

    Love this. None of my girlfriends are the backpacking type (and far too many of them are moms who can’t take their kids), but I did, finally, just pick up a pair of hiking boots for hubs and I (we live in Vermont! It’s TIME).

    But truly, even without that: you had me at four pounds.


  2. Caroline 13 June 2008 at 7:17 am #

    It sounds absolutely AMAZING! I love to hike. What a get away you had.


  3. SilentBen 16 June 2008 at 11:16 pm #

    Yes, ladies – go enjoy some quality time in the woods! Us guys will just enjoy some air conditioning and let the kids play with the hose while we setup our new grills.


  4. Down-to-Earth Mama » You should be ashamed of your gender……

    [...] that have been camarades, to whom I have bonded in an all women environment (remember the post C’mon Ladies…. Strap one On).  Women working together can be a very powerful thing.   However, I am often finding myself [...]

  5. AlexM 15 August 2008 at 1:45 am #

    Your blog is interesting!

    Keep up the good work!


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