Archive for 'Photography'

Wordless Wed: Between Heaven and the Depths

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Wordless Wednesday: Melt my Heart

Meet my my brand new niece, my sister, and her beautiful family.  Seriously…. heart melting.   Share and Enjoy:

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Weekly Winners: Renaissance Faire and Apple Picking Edition

My weekly winners are a day late, but I am excusing myself because I spent the day at the PA Renaissance Faire yesterday and did not work to get up my post. (Actually, I have not done weekly winners in some time and I really would like to get back into the habit!)  I also [...]

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Those Softly Vignetted Moments

There are many days, more than I care to admit, I spend clawing at the walls.  I claw the walls looking for answers, for hope to what ails us all. I claw the walls in disbelief, in anger, in worry. I claw the walls fighting, searching for something besides the groundhog day, the endless cycle [...]

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What Dreams are Made of

This weekend, I had the privilege to shoot the wedding of the gorgeous bride Lise and her handsome groom Tim.  The church was amazing, with wrap around stained glass.  It was like no other church I have ever seen.  The reception was laid back, fun, and truly represented the couple in their fun-loving way.  I [...]

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Shooting From the Hip

I am always looking for new and interesting ways to shoot my camera.  So, when Mishi from Secret Agent Mama laid out the challenge of literally shooting from the hip (with the bonus of winning a new camera strap), I jumped at the challenge.  After all, it was something fun, different, and I could use [...]

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