Getting back on the horse

Wow. What a crazy few months. There was Ben’s surgery, my freaking nightmare of dental problems (long, long story) that is still ongoing and lead me to lose 18 lbs in three weeks ( a good thing, but not the way I would have wanted to lose it…..), Christmas, and two birthdays, and a business that is TAKING OFF!

To say the least, I have had my hands full. And, in turn, this blog, as well as my other one, has suffered.

With this new year, though, I plan on making blog writing a priority if only for myself. It is hard to do when you literally write over 6,000 words per day for work. Some days I wonder if I can type one more word. But it is a different type of writing. I need this creative outlet, I find. I absolutely love my job, love the challenge and feel like I am finally putting my brain and smarts to good use. I also find that I am really good at instructional design, and I would have never found that out had it not been for blogging. But I still need that creative outlet. The outlet that this type of writing and photography give me. So, I will be getting back on this horse, slowly at first until I get my demanding work schedule under control, then hopefully I will hit a groove.

That being said, I feel like I have outgrown this blog and this blog name. I started years ago, when my youngest just a baby, claiming that I was that mom…. the get real mom… the one who was down to earth, accepting, non-judgemental of all other mothers, accepting of my children while teaching them what’s what etc. And I am. I am still that mom. I love being that mom. It is my greatest accomplishment….. motherhood.

But this has become so much more. It certainly does chronicle my life as a mother, but it has also become a place of community, and political thought, and advocacy, and education. So, while I hold that down to earth mama as an essence of my being, it somehow feels aloof and denies the other parts of me as well. And, as women and mothers I feel like we deny other parts of us way too often.

So, I am at a crossroads, unsure what to do with this blog, unsure how to continue, but know that I must.

For now, I get back on this horse, if you will have me. If not, I get on anyway, writing, sharing, and being inspired by all of you.

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6 Responses to “Getting back on the horse”

  1. miss tejota 5 January 2011 at 12:48 pm #

    Well you made it through the crazy few months. I hope that both you and Ben are doing much better.

    Whatever direction you take for your creative outlet I’ll be a loyal reader.

    Happy New Year.


  2. Grammy 5 January 2011 at 9:14 pm #

    I am not sure that you actually have outgrown the name – after all that is still your root and whatever else comes of it …sobeit. Not sure that every blog site has to be so specifically defined once a group of readers starts to follow.


  3. followthatdog 6 January 2011 at 1:52 am #

    glad to hear things are settling down for you, but please don’t abandon the blog, or if you do choose to move on, find a way we can still read your thoughts and adventures and look at your beautiful photos in one convenient location…like a blog for example ;)
    followthatdog´s last blog ..Face it- there are no SuperWomenMy ComLuv Profile


  4. wayne 9 January 2011 at 12:49 pm #

    we unfold, the hope is that we see what is calling to us, what brings us joy and hope. Good luck on the journey.
    wayne´s last blog ..Crafting On Thursday- The Discerning Glass SpeakethMy ComLuv Profile


  5. Becky 9 January 2011 at 7:27 pm #

    Wishing you wisdom in the New Year. :)
    Becky´s last blog ..Weather- Blizzard No 1 of 2011My ComLuv Profile


  6. ilinap 31 January 2011 at 9:12 pm #

    So glad to see you back in the saddle, Corina!


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